Hello World!
This is the very first post written by me on this website. I am very happy to have my own website set up. I am trying to keep the overall design of this website as simple as possible. That way, it will be easier to make changes in the future.
I said this is my first post, but actually, it is not 100% true. I made a small event page before this for my loving fiance Martyna. The event page can be seen here.
My Interests
My interests are mainly in learning programming and playing computer games. Usually, I write programs in Java and Python because I am most familiar with these two languages. In the past, I used to create video games using game engine tools like GameMaker or Godot3D. Unfortunately, I don't have time for this these days, but I wish I could go back to doing it because making a playful program is a lot of fun.
I used to passionately play video games, but nowadays, they have become less interesting to me as I have found different hobbies and more important things to focus on. I tend to enjoy games that allow players to make their own decisions and explore the game world, rather than following a non-stop storyline.Some of my favorite games include Fallout, Wasteland, Vampire: The Masquerade, Dishonored, Prey (2017), and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I loved exploring these worlds and uncovering clues. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided wasn't as fun in terms of gameplay, but the detailed design of near-future Prague was fascinating, and I enjoyed sneaking into every corner of the city.
The last game I played and am still playing is the System Shock remake. I pre- ordered it years ago and forgot about it until recently. In the game, the player wakes up as the lone survivor in a space station taken over by the evil AI Shodan. The player must explore the station, find scattered clues, and fight cyborgs under Shodan's control. The player gradaully gets to learn about the horrible incident that has happened in the station, and how to stop Shodan. I liked how the story unfolds through player exploration and perception skill rather than cinematic cutscenes.
Some of my other hobbies are playing guitar and creating fictional languages. However, sadly I am not professional in both. Hope some day I can become confident enough to show my work. I am also learning Polish language when I have some free time. I hope I can be good enough to have some basic conversation with Martyna.
I love cooking and I am trying to eat healthy as possible especially since I will be enlisted soon (in September 2024).
How This Site Is Maintained
This website was built mainly with HTML/CSS, Express, Node.js, and some JavaScript. I am not using a specific frontend framework as I prefer to keep the website simple and light since the main goal of this website is to write the things I want to write about. I am using EJS template so I can use include tag to load the repeating HTML parts across the pages. I am using MongoDB to save comments. And that's about it. For now, I am editing this page manually using HTML tags. However, in the future, I might consider using a program that converts Markdown to HTML to edit posts more efficiently.